The First Easter as a Family of Six

2019 was our first Easter as a family of six.  It was the most chaotic Easter to-date, but also the most fun.  We only have Kaeden for Easter every-other-year as we switch on and off with his mother, so I felt very blessed to have him during our first as "Chong Party of Six".  

As a family, we just kept with our standard traditions of Easter baskets, egg coloring, and getting dolled up for Sunday Mass, but with all the kids at all different ages, seeing the family interact together on this day was so incredibly special.  To be honest, I definitely didn't get as many pictures as I should have because I was so busy getting all the bodies dressed and just enjoying being in the moment, but this is an Easter I will always remember.

(Kids' Easter Baskets ready to be torn into)

(Kaeden, Bennett, and Mila quick to find their treats upon waking)

(A dapper Kai ready for church)

(Standard Easter Egg Coloring Fun)


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