House of Chong Quotes (i.e. kid craziness)

As we’re sitting in the Burger King parking lot: “This is NOT fast food, this is SLOW food.” —Kai

"I want to sing by myself" --Mila

"I know who I'm going to snuggle with tonight!" --Bennett

"Mila, what are you doing?"
"You know I don't like that answer."
"I was just doing nothing with Bennett's toys."
--A regular conversation between Mila and I

"I've got toot-y rooties in my booty." --Mila

"Shit" --Mila's first curse word (age 3)

<Crash Noise> "What the hell was that?!?" --Bennett

"I want to call Daddy... Daddy, I want your phone." --Mila

"You have a pretty necklace on your feet.  It has a cross and gumballs." --Mila

"I got 10k steps and beat my goal!" -Bennett (after getting his Gizmo watch)

"Well my goal was to rest." --Mila (setting New Year's goals at age 6)

"My poop smells like victory." --Mila

"Why are you walking your bike" 
"My butt hurts from all this biking"
-- Jae and Bennett


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