The Baby is Now One

OMG, I can't even handle it.  The baby, the littlest nugget, my last, is officially a full year old.  How did this happen?  When did this happen?  This whole year has been a whirlwind of joy, family memories, and extreme sleep deprivation, and I feel like it happened WAY too fast.  I know I savored every possible moment.  Knowing he was my last baby, I cherished the nursing, I prioritized time with kids and baby vs keeping home clean or getting my workout in, I even maintained a much happier mental state through the lack of sleep, and here he is a full year old.  

For his first birthday, I spent so much time perusing Pinterest for the perfect theme, and quickly came across "Where the Wild Things Are".  One of my all-time favorite books, and perfect for our little wild thing.  Now, I know... the first birthdays are for the mom, but hey: I deserve an amazing first birthday party for my kid, and it was just that: amazing.

(Birthday Boy eating his (not) first cake)

(the scrumptious spread)

(Grandma and Birthday Boy enjoying her gift to him)

(Auntie Laura and Birthday Boy happily tearing open gifts)

Time flies, y'all, so cherish the moments when you can.


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