Another School Year in the Books for Bennett

The school year is officially complete - My 7 year old has learned all the things and moved from the first to the second grade.  He came out the other end of 1st grade having made more progress educationally than I ever could have hoped for.  He is reading (not just sight words).  He is rocking math.  He is passionate about science.  And he is totally ready to take a break from it all and just play all summer.

(Bennett at his bus stop on the last day of school)

I have no idea where that time went and every year at these small milestones, it seems as though I get a little sentimental and feel a little bit older, but every year I also adore how much the kids have progressed, and especially in the summer time, I'm ready to partake in summer activities and be outside as much as is absolutely possible.  

This year, my 7-year-old nugget is playing baseball, which means time for him running around and getting energy out and time for me to hang out in (hopefully) nice weather while watching him.  Not to mention, I get the added benefit of either hanging out with my sister, mother, or various friends who also have kids in the league (on different teams).  He isn't the best player on the team, nor the worst, but he loves it so much it is truly fun to witness.


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