Stuck Inside

I know I live in MN and it's known to be cold.  I also know that I usually love it here.  Up until recently, this winter was gloriously mild.  It hadn't gotten too cold out, it hadn't snowed much (our Christmas was nearly brown), and I absolutely loved it.  Enter mid-January.  It's like MN saved up all the bad and laid it on us for the past two weeks.  We've either been stuck indoors because there's too much snow or because it's too cold to send kids to school (-30 degree wind chill warrants school cancellation... that happened 3 times in one week).  I am so lucky to have a VERY flexible job that allows me to work from home when I need to (or when I simply want to avoid the two-hour commute in traffic), but I am personally getting stir-crazy (and I know the kids are too).  

Here's hoping to warmer weather VERY SOON.

Mila dressed as Elsa making it snow and snow and snow.


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