8 Years.

1/21/19 marked eight years married for Jae and I.  EIGHT YEARS.  That is so hard to believe.  On one hand, it seems like just yesterday it was -2 for a high temp outside and we were getting dressed up and making everyone trek out on a Friday evening to celebrate us (let's be real: we live in MN... it recently was -2 for a high outside...).  On the other hand, we now have three more kids, one of whom is seven-years-old, which makes it seem like we've been together (not just for eight years, but) for an eternity.

I'm not gonna lie: the eight years has certainly been filled with high-highs and low-lows.  I'm sure EVERY eight-year marriage has had ups and downs too... so it's probably not that uncommon.  But one thing I can be sure of is that I'm grateful.  Grateful that I'm still married to my best friend, grateful for our awesome and comfortable life together, grateful that we still have a ton of fun together.  I wouldn't want it any other way. 


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