Mr. Bennett Turned Seven

The boy who made me a mom officially turned 7 yesterday.  I cannot believe how much he has grown and developed.  He has turned from a happy chub baby to an inquisitive and charming toddler to a super smart, super sweet boy.

Bennett had quite the day yesterday.  We always start birthdays with candles at breakfast (on some yummy breakfast of the person's choosing).  For Bennett, this meant candles on doughnuts with blue sprinkles.  It was a school day, so there was not a ton of time for presents, and since Bennett didn't want to rush through opening, he opted to save that for the evening.  During the day, he got to bring treats to school.  At night, Gma, Gpa, and Aunt Laura all came over and had dinner (mac n cheese bar) and opened presents.  He is so loved.  This weekend, he will do his "friends party", where there will be at least 16 kids swimming at the community center (wish me luck).

Bennett's Favorite Things (Age 7)
  • Super Mario everything
  • Pokemon
  • Finding our access code and ordering things on the tv (much to Jae's irritation)
  • Snuggling (I'm cherishing every one of these... some day it will be the last one and I will be sad)
  • Math (he's really good at math)
  • Wrestling with Goob and Mila
  • Treats
  • Swimming
  • Bedtime Rubs, Hugs, and Kisses

Bennett's Not-So-Favorite Things (Age 7)
  • Reading (we are practicing, but it's usually a struggle)

Bennett's "Friends Party" Invite

 Bennett Reading His Bday Card

Bennett and His Candle Doughnut

Bennett's Bday Cake (Jae thought it was a pokeball :) )

Me with the Bday Boy


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