
This is me for pretty much all of October:

Image result for halloween meme

Given Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, it's something I also love celebrating with my kids, so I like to get a head start.  At the very beginning of October, I ask them what they want to be for Halloween so we have time to prepare.  In my house 'prepare' means 'find and purchase costumes'.  I have always loved seeing the pictures of homemade costumes on pinterest, where the parent is super creative and executes their kids' costumes flawlessly.  I am not this person.  I have tried to be craftsy, but past experience has proven that nine times out of ten, it turns out worthy of inclusion on those "nailed it" articles (i.e. very, very bad).  End result: I have never been one to make my kids' costumes.

This year, I asked the question as I always do.   The six and thirteen year olds are easy, choosing purchasable costumes (Mario and Zombie respectively).  The baby is easy as he is stuck in whatever I put him in.  Mila, easy?  Nope.  Of course not.  I ask her what she wants to be and her response?  "Cotton Candy".  I have zero idea where this idea came from.  It's not something that immediately comes to mind when you say, "Halloween", nor is it something that we even see regularly in our everyday lives.  All I could think to myself is "why?!?!?" <insert panic>.

This choice led me to re-ask the "what do you want to be?" question every day in hopes of her changing her mind.  She has more princess dresses than I can count.  I would also be happy to buy something new... but nope.  Mind went unchanged.  Every. Single. Day.  "Cotton Candy".  

I procrastinated for as long as I possibly could, but finally broke down this past weekend and googled ideas on how to make this bad boy.  I must admit, it was not nearly as complicated as I had expected.  Mila seemed happy with it, and even though it's probably a "6" on a scale of 1-10, Mila liking her costume is really all that mattered. 

The kids loved trick-or-treating, but only made it about 45 minutes and then wanted to go home (ugh), but they ended up having so much fun handing out candy - it was all worth it. 

Best Moments of Halloween This Year:
  • Mila looking so proud of her Cotton Candy costume.
  • Kai helping me hand out some candy in his pumpkin hat and all the kids would say how cute he was (of course they did... how can you not?).
  • Bennett seeing kids across the street, opened the door, and called out to them, "OVER HERE!!" (as though they weren't already on their way).  
  • Mila running to the door one of the times and Bennett yelling, "Wait for me.  Don't RUIN THIS FOR ME!" <hahahahaha>

Bennett as Mario:

Pumpkin Kai:

THE Cotton Candy Diva:


Jae and Little Kids:

Trick-or-Treaters (minus Kaeden who was rightfully with friends):

Last, but not least: Mila loved her costume, but the Diva still had one of her signature meltdowns:


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